sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

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How I convince myself to print this book

       Two things were there, and being honest: i) a call to guide some who could follow this examples of life, and who I ask to do the same type of little book to the people in your home area, for tourists, pilgrims, travelers, and, for example, using the toponymy of California or Texas lands you can fill out a book of resumed bios of many saints, around you, there, and give another point of view to people who lives in San Diego, San Francisco, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, etc. ii) the thing that give me strength enough to try to publish something like this, outside a science paper on biology (which I have started with 3 papers and counting, in next 60 years...), have been the fate or good luck of knowing Ana Urrutia, the librarian of Huarte (Island in basque, of the Arga river you come descending from Pyrenees), the Ville where I happily live right now and in the next years, and where I have found peace and serenity to write some thesis, projects, and this little book!; if you are in Huarte's Shelter you could see the first window where I used to sit behind in a calm library ambient. Why Ana helped me and how: she gave me as a gift, for our mutual empathy, a master piece of Whitman, in Spanish, translated by Borges! in which, in the first page stays ...

"Mi lengua, cada molécula de mi sangre formada por esta tierra y este aire.

Nacido aquí de padres cuyos padres nacieron aquí y

cuyos padres también aquí nacieron.

A los treinta y siete años de edad, gozando de perfecta salud,

Comienzo y espero no detenerme hasta morir."

       The mention of his age, 37, and the intention of never stop, as I have chosen, lead me to gain enough confidence to communicate with you, dear Pilgrim, now, than I am 37 and begins to publish my passion on life, on people, on love.

                    Mikel Alberto de Elguezabal Méndez










Preface: iii

Introduction: ........................................................1


San Fermin: .......................................................23

San Miguel: .........................................................31

San Roque: .........................................................36

San Ignacio: .......................................................40

San Francisco Javier: ...........................................47

Juan Bonal: .......................................................53

Virgin at Lourdes: ..............................................58

San José María: ................................................62

Virgin at Fátima: ..............................................65

Ignacio Larrañaga: ............................................71

Iñaki Berecibar: .................................................73

Epilogue: .........................................................75

Corollary: .......................................................82


       Welcome to my first public work, a synthesis of some characters and spirits who touch my soul in various ways. I am a biologist, I study life, and life in these historical days is changing in every level; I have 3 kids, I have to do something to protect them but also I want to help the World, in some way.

       By own thinking, one have "discovered" what others persons first have saw more easily: that every human being is formed of 3 "stuffs", the famous concepts of Mind, Body and Spirit! Yes, but I just realized that short before, maybe after a mortal accident in which anyone can measure the significance of life and its philosophical battles. I have proven in flesh the fragility of my organs but, at the same time the miraculous and perfection of cells, self repairing nature, of each creature. So, like that, I imagine an analogy to explain this to my teenage university students from every social origin at Cumaná, Venezuela, the oldest European city in South America.

       I begins to share, orally, "my theory of Trinitarian conformation, and confirmation, of the Being in each one of us, like this: as "à la mode" technologies, screening us today, we use a Hardware, a device, a Body, and, its functions are governed by Software, the artificial intelligence, the Mind, both of these are nothing without a plug to power line or a battery, the Energy! the Spirit! So, I resumed this view at the back cover; please improve it, add your concepts in every circle after your opinions and believes, and discuss it among friends you march right now...

       Because, you are near here now walking, no?, you have come travelling skies, trails, seas, and now, walking. Have you stopped to think why you started to walk or move? to know people? to know yourself? to talk with God? to discover life and nature? to think in positive things?, seeking answers we are since kids until mature ages...Thanks God you choose to walk this roads and path, because if less aggressive than run it, I mean aggressive to your cartilages, bones, in the actual running era...

       Walking is more natural, sprint to avoid dangers also, but jogging I am not so sure. Well, natural things are made of wise decisions of Nature and Creature. I am a biologist, of the few that teaches on Big Bang theory, Oparin & Miller coincidences in first organic molecules random fixing, and Darwin or Wallace dogmas of Evolution, but at the same time I give freedom to my students to answer using the Creationism Believe, if they Believe of course. So, many Catholic, Protestant, Jehovah's Witness and Muslim students that I have had, used this option, and I am sure that if I have had Jewish, Mormon, Orthodox, Copt, Buddhist, Hindu or Shinto students, also.

       I use to mention all religions too in my talks, because these belong to the red circle of the cover back, as a part of Culture of our biological species. Faith is another thing, is another level when you discover the Spirit inside you and your friends and family.

       I like to chat, in 3D, in live and touching hands, feeling, smelling, smiling, and having a good Venezuelan coffee, with my Muslim and Jewish brothers. They borrow me their religion's texts; I read it the better I can in this urgency life we live these days. I, happy on the "coincidences" of our religions, mention that many prophets in the Old Testament explain how the Messiah would come and suffer, and, in the Arab written Book of Muslims, it is mentioned Issa, the Arabic name of Jesus, more than 50 times. Check it out.

       I am aware of actual separation among our views, culturally based, but the task must remain in try and try, always, of understanding each other, mutually recognizing us. Details as if some does not eat or drink such things and we do, or, that Jesus had brothers if Mary had children later His Immaculate Conception, (or from a widower Joseph alone before) are, as our Jesuits priest Iñaki Berecibar Aramburu used to said my wife and me: "secondary truths".

       Also, the positives values and thoughts of "eastern" religions and native religions of new and old "worlds" are capable of being concatenated one by one with our monotheist branches of Faith.

       Once I have visited the Moroccan Kingdom, I use to stands what I have seen and felt in its Souks and "ruelles" and newspapers there: with the 3 official dates for Muslims, Jewish and Christians in the same front page of every day Journals! and with the peaceful, future like, sentiment of mutual respect in the air, a wise behave of its citizens, and to know or read the slogan of their King, "Defenseur des Croyants", meaning, Defender of Believers! All of us!

       Believe! that is all. Not in magical, supernatural goods to serve, as many could want to profit on. No. Seek the Inner Force and Energy of Love, from Faith, from God. You will feel like a modern hero of movies, understanding the environment surrounding us every second since we were born and after that too...

       Why I have thought in write these resumed bios? I have been close to die in 2002, in a terrible accident, and the sole moment my life was in peril and getting sad everyone around. God send messengers to my room, and I am miraculously healthy in mind (I hope) and body, but discovering the force of my Spirit. I just want to help people since I am a 6 year old boy and chatted with mom every night before sleep. I am not perfect, never, I am sinner, often, but, still that, I will want always to try to help the World, the humankind, my favorite biological species! Homo sapiens sapiens and our culture, biology and Spirit.




       Why I gather these examples of saints, from many out there in all religions? well, since I do not want to enter into other cultures, different of my Christian knowledge to not fall in mistakes or misunderstandings with our fellows of other religions, I have chosen these from my Christian Catholic experiences during my existence:
i) Santiago, due to a casualty with my Basque grand father Jaime Jacobo (or Luciano?) Santiago de Elguezabal Olabarrieta! look that his 3 (or at least 2 of 3) names means the same! while his two last names are clearly Basques. That always took my attention: what his parents wanted to mean with these 3 names?
ii) Fermin, cause being one of Navarran patronus, and my grandmother was born and raise here, and in her home at Caracas during each Christmas, when her husband (nire Aitite, my grandpa) celebrated his birthday, the family used to talk on the war that obliged them to move to Venezuela, or the family left here, or the costumes and foods and believes and fests of Navarra...so, Fermin and his power to gather so many of you every month of July means that some one has to meet his life in 2 minutes at least with this little abstract... research more, and rethink your own role in these times in the World...
iii) Michael, cause I always was fier of my name and its meaning. Mikel is the Basque voice as transformed 200 years ago of several Christians names into Basque phonetics. I have been told of one anecdote that want to share shortly: when I was baptized at Caracas San Juan Bosco Church, with a pro Franquism priest directing the ceremony, this person insisted in calling me Miguel, again, and again, with my Aitite interrupting him each time to correct "Mikel"...as the priest continued several times more, my grandpa exploded and said "Michel in French, Mijail in Russian, Michael in English, Michele in Italian, and, Mikel in basque!!" So, the ceremony ends shortly...
       So, Miguel means Mikel, well, and my name I received from my other grandpa, the maternal one, Miguel Méndez, still working and loving God at 91 years old at Maturin, and oil city in eastern Venezuela. Like me, several of his grandchildren's names Miguel, but in my case, my father, nire Aita, negotiates with my mom the basque form...San Miguel is the soldier of God against evil, I like that!
iv) Roque, because I was born in Montpellier in 1977, then departed in 1978 to Venezuela and raised there; when I lived during a year (2003-2004) in this southern France old city, I had the opportunity of participate in the festivities of Saint Roque and to know its chants, the life of the man who spread Faith and cured ill people...
v) Ignacio, because I am a partisan of Jesus Company since teenaged, and the force of this name is within my family at least in 9 relatives, brother, son, cousin, uncle, etc., etc. Saint Ignacio built a web of "soldiers" of Faith, of Jesus, of God. For example, in Latin America, Africa and Asia there is Fe y Alegría (Faith and Joy), a network of Schools, Workshops, Colleges and educational radios that give the best education to the people, free or almost free in many cases.
vi) Javier, because of his role in the Jesus Company from the beginnings, and his role in spreading the Faith in Asia. His decision of changing his life style is almost remarkable, intriguing for many.
vii) Juan Bonal, because of chance, fate, or good luck simply. When I came to Navarra to live with my family for some years to do my post-graduates studies, in 2013, just landed, a good friend invited us to a show of photography of a Foundation named Juan Bonal, from which a I have never listened. We went, and the first images took our attention were of those Sisters caring on the poorest in Perijá mountains, between the imaginary border traced on Wayú people by Venezuela and Colombia republics; that touched our fibers, and immediately took contact to them to help in anyway my land over there....and everywhere in the World too...
viii) Mary, because of her sublime role being the one and only chosen girl to carry Jesus as embryo, fetus, newborn, baby, child, teenager, young man, adult...Because of the devotion of my Mother (another Dr. in Biology, who believes) as she did some promise at Fatima with me as a newborn, and because the many followers who respect this Example of Life, of Mother, of Woman. Also, I remember when a submerged in the cold waters of Lourdes, and the things I asked God then.
ix) José María Escrivá, because his book likes me very much and the examples of life of some friends at the Opus Dei, and the rational explanations of my brother Paul on Liberty, Free Will, le libre arbitre, and the moral decisions one has to make every second in life.
x) Ignacio Larrañaga, because his Workshop "Pray & Life", which I did with my wife for 10 weeks in 2012 in Cumaná, leaded by a virtuous family Morgado. Theses courses on techniques to pray, as Jesus used to, delight me and my wife, and improved our relation to God. He just departed to heaven in 2013. Ask in your city when you go back if you got interested in his techniques.
xi) Iñaki Berecibar Aramburu, because he directed the ceremony of our marriage, in a tough dissertation on sex problems among couples!, with our guests wondering why telling that in the Mass? Well, this man is a modern Priest, who knows our society from his 4 university careers and his contact all his life with young students and friends. Now, even with advanced Parkinson he continues to help people in a very modern way...
       The 10 % of the profits by selling this book to you will go to Caritas in Sucre, and Caritas in Navarra, to help many people in trouble, that you might have seen seated in some places and buildings. Another 10% will go to UNICEF tangible projects in neuralgic regions around our virtuous Earth. Also, the rest of profit will be used in funding: i) Human Rights Education & Integration Programs and ii) Bio production to culture seas and lands Projects, of our Foundation LEA, at Cumaná, Sucre state, Venezuela.
The next public ideas and projects Fundación LEA will be publishing are:
       Egura: to generate energies and goods in tropical coasts.
       Arura: meeting fossil toponymy and understanding humankind.
       Virtuous Bonds: new ideas to cope with CO2 and profit the poor.
       OikoEtxea: designs of homes to use better space to live, gaining independence and liberty for young families.
       Euskerize yourself!: a primary guide to learn basic Euskera language.
Author: Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez, born in Montpellier, 6th May 1977. Biologist, University Professor in Venezuela since 2004 (Actually in Universidad Pública de Navarra, postgraduate's studies, Spain). Entrepreneur at A6-solutions.com. President of Fundación Luís Elguezabal Aristizabal (LEA). Father of Nerea, Julen Ignacio and Maitena and married with Yaile Acosta Núñez since 2003. Believer.
Illustrateur (portraits): María Eglée Pérez Rojas, born in en Caracas in 1968. A Plastic Artist of innate talent, with studies in drawing and painting since 6 years old. She has participated in expositions and contests during her teenage. Once graduated from high school, she entered the “Arte Final” Academy, obtaining an art & design specialization. She continued studying illustration and animated drawings in the Caracas Creative Block Project with outstanding results that permit her entrance, with 19 years old, at Leo Burnett international agency, where she develop a dense career until becoming director of artistic production for television and cinema with Oscar Montauti or Ariel Toledano producers.
        In the 1990's she departed to an amazing adventure to the Venezuelan Amazon's Forrest looking and studying the light, colours, shapes of Nature, its natives peoples, cultures and beauty. There she paints frenetically by 7 years, inside the jungle, living with a Yanomani community.
        Then, she drains all his creativity in the artistic patisserie and until 2009, when destiny take her, and her (art gifted too) daughter, Linda, to Galicia, where, witched by its Celtic ambient, returned to Art with more passion still. She applies especially in faces, with several hyperrealist portraits, producing a collection intituled "Mujeres del Mundo", World's Women, as a remerciment to the activities of Casa de la  Mujer (Home of the Women) in Galicia an institution that struggle against gender violence...     Now, María continues with the pencil and the brush in hand, and the soul in the creative experience... as a way of life...



San Miguel Route

Saint Roque
 Back cover